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Applications re-open: To Be Determined


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STEP 1: Research

Take the time to learn as much about us as you can before applying!


  • Star Rider

  • Club Horse: Dapple Grey Dutch Warmblood

  • Level 17+

  • Must be on North American Servers

  • Access to Discord for voice commanding

  • Access to YouTube

  • Must attend 2 activities per week

  • Must be applying on your main account. Alt accounts are not allowed

  • Must use SSO on computer, no mobile

  • Must have a strong internet connection, little to no lag






Will I be notified if I get accepted/rejected? If so, how?
Yes. All applicants receive a rejection or interview acceptance letter. You will receive your letter on the platform that you select for your Alternative Contact.



What is Alternative Contact?
We will not contact you on Star Stable mail if you are accepted/rejected due to the filter and message length limit. Please submit a Discord tag, Instagram, or email that we can use to contact you. Avoid sending a personal email address.



Will I be told WHY I was rejected?
Yes, you will receive a brief explanation as to why your application was rejected



What will happen if I am accepted?
You won't be accepted into the club right away; you will take an interview first, and if your interview is acceptable, you will moved onto the Trial phase



​I was rejected. Can I reapply?
Yes. You can reapply as many times as you want as long as applications are open and you have not already been accepted as a trial member. Do not spam multiple applications within a short period of time; make improvements on each application



​I made a mistake in my application. How can I fix this?

We prefer if you submit a new application with all the appropriate changes. Please dm Bec or a Staff member that you'd like to disregard the previous application.

I used to be in Emerald Hunters. Can I rejoin?
If you were removed by the owner, it is permanent. However, if you were a trial member and were removed, you may reapply. If you have left the club in the past, you can only reapply once more. Overall, this is under the discretion of the owner.



 When will applications open/close?
Applications usually open on the last week of every month. They stay open for about one and a half weeks.

When will I receive my application results?
You will hear application results after applications close. If you are accepted to take an interview with us, you are expected to respond to your acceptance letter within 48 hours, or we will disregard your application, and you are encouraged to reapply next application cycle.



You said you would get back to me about my application result, but I never heard back from you. Why?
There are many possible reasons why you did not receive a message from us. Your Discord, Instagram, or email was probably spelled wrong, you changed your username, or your message/friend requests were not open. Please PROOFREAD your Alternative Contact. If we can't contact you, your application will be automatically rejected. We do not take extra time to try to find you.



If I don't meet a requirement, do you make exceptions?
No. At this time, we do not make exceptions to not meeting requirements. You must meet ALL of the requirements to apply. If you don't meet a requirement, please do not apply.



Do I have to have the dapple grey Dutch Warmblood before applying? Can I use a different horse while I save for the white one?

No, you don't need to have the dapple grey Dutch Warmblood before applying, though it's encouraged. 

Yes, you can use a different maxed happy horse while saving for the dapple grey Dutch Warmblood.

You must purchase, keep happy, and fully train your horse BEFORE the end of your 3-4 week trial period.



Can I join on an alt account?

No. You must join on your main account.

  • If you have an alt account on another region, it cannot be in another club

  • If you have an alt account in the NA region, it cannot be in another club



I applied to Emerald Hunters and another club. Is that ok?

No. We will most likely reject you if that's the case. We do not recommend applying to multiple clubs at the same time.



I'm in a club right now but I want to apply to Emerald Hunters. Is that ok?

No. We will automatically reject if that's the case. You MUST have fully exited that club before applying to us.


If your application is acceptable, you will be invited to take an interview. If your interview is acceptable, you will be placed on a 3-4 week trial to assess your suitability for the club, and for you to assess our suitability for you!

  1. Interview invitation letter sent

  2. Interview on Discord (lasts 30-60 minutes)

  3. Trial process begins

  4. Rank up or removal from club



The interview will take place in our private Discord server. The interview questions will follow up on your application and also ask you to tell us about yourself. You have the OPTION to have the interview as a voice interview, meaning you can speak or write your answers in the Zoom chat, it is up to you.



The Trial Activities

There are several things we are evaluating you on during your trial to help introduce you to our methods and management, and to help you become a successful member. Members will also receive an orientation day to learn more about our club and learn what they are being evaluated on during the trial. We have a buddy system that aims to have current members help trials through their trial process. On the last day of the trial, members will receive their results of passing/failing their trials.


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Please use the following resources for the best tips and tricks for sending a really strong application!

Apply Today!

Applications are


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Website created by Rebeca Ravenbird

Site last updated: January 3, 2025

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