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Beginner Level Defined

  • Move Qualities: Moves that require 1-2 GO commands, simple follow-the-leader formations, basic odds and evens

  • Beginner Skills: Riders can perform all of these moves with the proper timing, in the correct direction, and demonstrate a developing understanding Beginner Theory


The smallest possible circle. Press and hold your turning key (A or W, or arrow keys) and release when you are straight on your original axis. Curls are always performed in the gait that you are currently in.

  • Example: While cantering, the Curl is performed in the canter.


Double Curl

Two Curls in a row, both Curls are in the same gait



Odds Curl left, Evens curl right on GO



The line leader will make a 90 degree turn…

  • Towards the inside of the arena from the wall

  • At a midline

  • At an arena letter

  • On GO

  • In the direction called. 

The rest of the line follows the leader. 



Short for “diagonal”. Ride from one letter corner, to X, to the opposite letter corner.



All riders do an individual Cut across the arena. Do not follow the leader. Always turn towards your leader when you reach the wall. If you are the line leader, turn away from your line at the wall.



Comb in a Wave. Odds Comb left, evens Comb right on GO


Curl Comb

Curl, then keep holding your turning key to go immediately into a Comb


Curl Over

An individual half Curl, or a small U-turn. This will reverse the line order, change your orientation, and your axis. Press and hold your turning key until you are facing the opposite direction, then release when you are straight on your new axis.



Curl Over in one direction, then Curl Over in the opposite direction. Change directions when you are straight on your new axis.


Ray (SSD’s Bristle) (credit: Emma Southhurricane)

  • 1st GO = Comb

  • 2nd GO = Curl Over AWAY from leader (line leader will Curl Over TOWARDS line) (aka, Curl Over in the same direction as the comb). Turn towards leader at the wall



  • 1st GO = Curl Over

  • 2nd GO = Curl Over in the same direction as the first Curl Over



Half a Curl, but make a 45 degree angle back towards your original axis. Once you have reached your original axis, ride straight on it. This will reverse the line order and line orientation. 


Halt/Flat Moves

  • NTT Flat: riders halt side by side. Left to right pattern away from the Center. Boot to boot alignment/boots brushing

  • Flock: riders halt so that their back legs line up with their Center’s front legs. Center is the bottom of the V-shape. L-R pattern

  • Domino: riders halt so that their back legs line up with their Center’s front legs. All riders move to the same direction (Domino Left/Right)

  • Arrow: riders halt so that their horse’s front legs line up with their Center’s back legs. Center is the tip of the arrow. L-R pattern



Usually at a wall or can be called on GO. Leader does a Curl Over and the rest of the line follows. Do not return to original axis​



Stands for “Figure Eight”. Curl in one direction, then immediately Curl in the other direction. Make sure you finish your first Curl before starting your second Curl. Make sure your horse is completely straight on your original axis before you do your second Curl



Fate in a Wave. Odds Fate left, evens Fate right



Double Curl in one direction, then Curl in the opposite direction



Belt Wave, usually at a wall or arena marker. Odds Belt left, evens Belt right


Dye Divide

After a Cut Centerline, odds Cut on to the Dye left, evens cut on to the Dye right. Follow your leader. Usually done at X



At the wall, odds turn left, evens turn right, creating two lines. HH gaps.



Usually at a midline, Cut at the specified location and re-enter into a single line in your original line order.



Two split lines approaching each other. On GO, the line leaders will cut in towards the center of the arena. The rest of the lines follow. Use Comb Alignment side to side.



From one rider line, the first two riders in the line Comb on GO, then the odds follow the odd leader and evens follow the evens leader. Use Comb Alignment side-to-side, and HH gaps front-to-back



¾ of a Curl.

  • If “Keyhole Left” is called, you will make a ¾ Curl to the left, then end up combing to the right of your original axis



Keyhole, then halt as soon as you are straight on your new axis



From the halt, press your backwards key, then your X key quickly. Or, from the walk/trot/canter, press X



Rear, then quarter pivot immediately in the direction called



Turns while at a halt

  • Quarter: 90 degree turn

  • Half: 180 degree turn

  • Key: three quarter turn

  • Full: 360 degree turn


Intermediate Level Defined

  • Move Qualities: Moves that require 2-4 GO commands, require transitions, more involvement with odds and evens

  • Intermediate Skills: Riders will continue to practice and perform Beginner Theory, perform different types of combination moves, create semi-realistic shapes, and practice beginner circle skills. This level prepares riders for routine work.

Note: This dictionary is now divided up into categories and in relative difficulty



  • Transition Curls: Assume that a Transition Curl is any pattern of walk curl, trot curl, or canter curls. At least 2 gaits should be included in this type of move. Each Curl is in the same direction

    • I Curl: walk – trot 

    • T Curl: trot – walk 

    • Bee Curl: trot – canter 

    • Q Curl: canter – trot 

    • Orbit: walk – canter 

    • Pluto: canter – walk 

  • Transition Dodge: Assume that each Curl Over of the Dodge is at the gaits specified by the letter combination

  • Transition Fates: Assume that each Curl of the Fate is at the gaits specified by the letter combination



Assume that a Triple Curl is any pattern of walk curl, trot curl, and canter curls. All 3 gaits must be used.

  • Triple Curl: walk, trot, canter

  • Reverse Triple Curl: canter, trot, walk

  • Alpha: Triple Curl Wave (EH)

  • Beta: Reverse Triple Curl Wave (EH)

  • Rumble: odds Triple Curl, evens Reverse Triple Curl in the same direction 

  • Delta: odds Triple Curl left, evens Reverse Triple Curl right

  • Star Curl: walk, canter, trot

  • Reverse Star Curl: canter, walk, trot

  • Comet Curl: trot, canter, walk

  • Triple-Triple: walk, trot, canter, trot, walk

  • Big Triple: using secondary numbers. 1’s walk, 2’s trot, 3’s canter (EH)

  • ID Curl: Triple Curl in one direction, Reverse Triple Curl the opposite direction

  • DI Curl: Reverse Triple Curl in one direction, Triple Curl the opposite direction 




Odds Double Curl and evens Fate, all in the same direction. The first Curl should be the same direction while the second curl is a Wave

Curl one way, Bear the other way


Delayed Curl

  • Wait for the commander to call a GO for each individual curl

  • Can only be used in moves with multiple Curls, such as a Double Curl or a Triple Curl

  • In between Curls, resume the gait you are currently going in

    • Ex. Delayed Triple Curl = walk Curl on first GO, resume trotting, trot Curl on second GO, keep trotting, canter Curl, return to trot

    • Reason: if you were to do a normal walk curl from the trot, you would do the walk Curl and resume trotting after finishing the Curl.


Pickup Curl

A normal transition curl, but continue forward in the last gait of the move. 

  • Ex. Pickup Bee Curl from the trot = trot curl, canter curl, continue forward at the canter

  • Ex. Pickup T Curl from the canter = trot curl, walk curl, continue forward at the walk

  • Delayed Pickup Curl: Ex. Delayed Pickup Orbit = walk curl on first GO, continue in the walk, canter curl on second GO, continue in canter.



  • 1st GO = odds Curl

  • 2nd GO = evens Curl

  • Commander waits approximately 1 beat before the next GO at the trot. Each Curl is in the same direction


Backwards Curl

A Curl while walking backwards

  • On PRE = all riders walk

  • 1st GO = halt

  • 2nd GO = backwards Curl, pressing the key of the same direction called (press backwards key then turning key). Halt when you finish the curl. 

  • 3rd GO: resume previous gait

Example: “Backwards Curl Left Set” = press your left or A key when doing the backwards curl


Twig (Metal Queens)

Walk curl, into a Backwards Curl

  • 1st GO: walk Curl, immediate halt when straight

  • 2nd GO: Backwards Curl (in the same direction as walk curl), immediate halt

  • 3rd GO: continue at trot (or previous gait) forward




Curl Over in the direction said, then Curl in the opposite direction.


Over Comb

Curl Over in the direction said, then Comb the opposite direction. One GO


Retreat Curl

Curl + Curl Over in the same direction. One GO


Dodge Over (EH)

Curl Over one way, then Retreat Curl in opposite direction. One GO



Retreat Curl in the direction said, then Curl Over the opposite direction (opposite of Dodge Over)



Curl Over in the first direction + Curl in the opposite direction + Curl Over in the first direction



Curl in the first direction, then Curl Over in opposite direction. Aka, incomplete Fate or retreat Curl in opposite directions



Dodge, then Curl in the original direction

Fire Curl

Curl Over in the first direction, Curl Comb the opposite direction




Odds Comb, then evens follow the odd in front of them. Make sure to maintain OT gaps


Full Revolve

A full Curl towards your partner. Nose to nose, left to left; Performed from a Comb after lines split


Half Revolve

After a split, all riders Comb. When riders reach nose-to-nose with their partner left to left, they will Curl Over TOWARDS their partner



After a split, all riders Comb. When riders reach nose-to-nose with their partner left to left, they will curl over AWAY from their partner


Fish Hook

  • 1st GO = odds will Curl Comb 

  • 2nd GO = evens will Curl Comb, resulting in couple. Second GO must be called quickly after the first GO.



After lines split, lines will Cut Mid. Lines will Curl Over TOWARD their partner. Lines must wait until they reach the ends of the opposite line to perform their move. Nose to nose timing.



Revolve, but odds Keyhole and evens Curl Comb towards their partner, resulting in couples



Revolve, but odds Curl and evens Retreat Curl towards their partner, resulting in Couples. Nose to nose timing



Revolve, but odds Cut and evens Keyhole towards their partner, resulting in Couples.



After a split, lines Comb. Evens Curl Over towards odds, resulting in couples



Fate towards your partner



Infinity Split

At the wall, split in a bear-keyhole shape. Turn straight on to the wall in your normal odd-even directions, but once straight on the new axis, perform a Bear, which turns your orientation opposite of what you would normally be for a normal Split. 


Split Tier

The first and third person in line will Comb on GO, and then second and fourth person follow. The pattern continues down the rest of the rider line



From a Waterfall, all riders Curl Over in on GO, resulting in a merge. 



From a waterfall/wide waterfall/wide tier

  • 1st GO = Comb in

  • (2nd GO) = Cut towards leader, or merge onto the sandline across from your original sandline towards your leader


Key Switch

From a Waterfall, Rein, Tier, or wide variations

  • 1st GO = Keyhole out and pass left to left, 

  • 2nd GO = Keyhole away from your line leads to be put back in a Waterfall.



From a Waterfall, Rein, Tier, or wide variations

  • 1st GO = Slant in

  • 2nd GO = Cut back straight towards your leader, or merge onto the sandline across from your original sandline towards your original orientation



  • Slant: 45 degrees - 1 eighth of a curl

    • Slant Cut: follow the leader on a slant

    • Slant Comb: individual slant. Use boot to boot alignment

  • Comb: 90 degrees - 2 eighths

  • Back Slant: 135 degrees - 3 eighths 

  • Curl Over: 180 degrees - 4 eighths

  • Fish: 225 degrees - 5 eighths

  • Keyhole: 270 degrees - 6 eighths 

  • Ribbon: 315 degrees - 7 eighths â€‹

  • Curl: 360 degrees - 8 eighths

  • Rake: 405 degrees - 9 eighths

  • Curl Comb: 450 degrees - 10 eighths

  • Retreat Curl: 540 degrees - 12 eighths

  • Double Curl: 720 degrees - 16 eighths




Curl towards X (in)



Curl away from X (out)



  • 1st GO = release turning key, keep moving straight out from your tangent line

  • 2nd GO = resume tapping into the circle, in the same direction as before



  • 1st GO = cut away from X. Must be a 90 degree turn

  • 2nd GO = resume tapping into the circle, going the same direction as before



  • 1st GO = cut towards X. Must be a 90 degree turn

  • 2nd GO = resume tapping into the circle, going the same direction as before


Advanced Level Defined

  • Move Qualities: Moves that require 3-5 GO commands, combinations of Beginner + Intermediate Moves

  • Advanced Skills: riders have mastered Beginner and Intermediate Theory, perform more difficult circle moves, perform follow moves


Back Cast
Curl in the first direction, then Back Slant in the opposite direction. 1 GO


Slant in the first direction, then Curl Over in the opposite direction. 2 GO’s



Slant + Keyhole in the same direction. 2 GO’s 



Curl in the first direction, then Ribbon in the opposite direction. 1 GO



Curl in the first direction, then Fish in the opposite direction. 1 GO



Fish in the first direction, then Ribbon in the opposite direction. 1 GO



Fish in the first direction, then Fish in the opposite direction. 2 GO’s



Ribbon in the first direction, then Ribbon in the opposite direction. 2 GO’s



Slant + Ribbon in the same direction. 2 GO’s



D Waterfall

Waterfall, but aim towards a mid-letter rather than doing a Curl Over


Kite (SSD’s ‘Diamond’)

at X, dye divide. On GO, line leaders will slant in towards the midline and merge


Diamond (EH Version): after a rein/tier/waterfall

  • 1st GO = Slant Cut out

  • 2nd GO = Cut in (90-degree turn)

  • (3rd GO) = Cut back straight into rein/tier/waterfall, or Cut back onto original axis 


Half Circle

At a specified circle marker, lead will Cut 90-degrees off the wall, then gradually curve to create half a circle, then attaching back onto the end of their line, or continuing forward



From a tight rein, tight tier, or single line, riders split on GO and form the specified circle size around each other passing left-to-left and boot-to-boot, then return to a Rein or Merge. Odds should be on the inside of the circle, while evens are just outside.



At a mid-letter, all evens Cut mid, while odds continue forward. At X, evens Cut towards the odds, then merge back into line behind the odds.


Heartbeat (EH)

From one line, at the 5 meter dot, Split Slant towards the 5 meter dot on the midline. Keep slanting towards the 10 meter dots. Then curve toward the 10 meter dot on the centerline.



After a split and then Cut mid, lines coming towards each other left to left will circle away from X in the specified circle size, circling away from X. If passing left to left, circles must turn right and vice versa. 



In a Rein/Tier/Waterfall, circle away from each other, then continue straight


UFO (SSD’s Circle Split)

From one line, split into two circles in the specified circle size going opposite directions. Change circles when you have completed the first circle. Merge after completing the second circle.



Firework (Shadow Dukes)

Fate in or out


Spark (Shadow Dukes)

Thread in or out



Odds curl over out, resulting in a rotary

  • Rotary: two concentric circles moving in opposite directions

  • Windmill: two or more circles moving in the same direction


Prim Rose

Odds C cave, evens Bloom A



(In a Rotary) Odds Bee Curl Bloom, evens I Curl Cave



In a rotary, the inside line will Bloom, and the outside line will Cave on the same GO.



All riders do an individual Curl Over in a circle.



Dodge away from the center of the circle to expand it. This should place you on the next metered dot



In Rotary or Windmill, the inner circle will drift out to merge with the outer circle on (the 1st) GO. (On the second GO, the original outer circle will shrink to become the inner circle. The second GO is optional).




Secondary numbers up to 2. Each line does a Twist


Split Cut (SSD’s Double Cut)

Secondary numbers up to 4. On GO, the first and third rider in the first group of 4 will Comb, and the second and fourth riders will follow them in Couples. This pattern will repeat down the line, with first and third riders following the path of those in front of them.


From a Rein, the first two riders in line will Belt in to Merge in a Couples. The second set of riders in the lines will Belt out. This pattern will repeat down the line. 1-1, 2-2, 1-1


Secondary numbers up to 3. 1’s C Curl left, 2’s trot curl right, 3’s canter curl left, all on the same GO. 1-2-3, 1-2-3


Crochet (Terrific Tigers)
Secondary numbers up to 4, 1’s and 3’s trot straight, ignoring the GO. On GO, 2’s trot curl, 4’s walk curl. This puts the line into HH gaps and switches the order from 1, 2, 3, 4 to 1, 3, 2, 4



Atomic (Metal Queens)
Curl away, then Curl Over in while in a Rein/Tier/Waterfall This should merge the line into one line.



odds retreat curl, evens mist, both in the same direction 



Walk Fate, then trot Fate


Trot Fate, then canter Fate


Curl Lock (Jorvik Dressage Center)
Curl Comb, then Keyhole in the same direction. 2 GO’s


Bench (Jorvik Dressage Center)
Odds Curl Over, evens Retreat Curl in the same direction


Pastel (name from Steel Bees)
Walk Keyhole o
ne way, trot Keyhole the other way. Can be called with 2 GO’s or by picking up the trot when tail bow hits the original axis


Pistol (Metal Queens)
Trot Keyhole one way, canter Keyhole the other way. Can be called with 2 GO’s or by picking up the canter when tail bow hits the original axis of the trot keyhole



  • 1st GO = Comb

  • 2nd GO = Slant Comb towards lead

  • 3rd GO =  Cut back to to the lead or at specified line


Keyhole AWAY from leader. If you are the leader, Keyhole TOWARDS your line. Move when you are boot-to-boot, or when tail bow is over the centerline. Riders must have On and Splitting spacing maximum


Box Curl: a Curl, but use straight lines. All Cut are in the same direction.

  • 1st GO = Comb

  • 2nd GO = Cut towards leader

  • 3rd GO = Comb in original direction 

  • (4th GO) = Cut towards leader or merge onto original axis towards lead


Diamond Curl: a Curl using slant lines. Similar to Box Curl

  • 1st GO = Slant Comb

  • 2nd GO = Slant Comb towards back leader

  • 3rd GO = Slant Comb in original direction 

  • 4th GO = Slant Comb towards original axis



Setup: wide rein/tier/waterfall

  • 1st GO = Comb in

  • 2nd GO = Full Revolve

  • 3rd GO = Cut towards the lead into a Rein



  • 1st GO = Feather

  • 2nd GO = Mist towards leader

  • (3rd GO) = Snap 



Setup: Split, then Comb

  • Curl Over towards partner

  • Canter Curl away

  • Curl Over towards partner

Use nose-to-nose timing and straightness. No GO.


  • 1st GO = odds Curl Comb, evens Curl

  • 2nd GO = odds Curl, evens Curl Comb



Combo, but replace the Curl with a Triple Curl

  • Technically, the curl of the Combo can be replaced with any single, double, or triple curl



Twist, Wave, Twist, Wave. Each part of the move is in opposite directions. For example, if you are an odd, you will Twist Left, Wave Left, Twist Right, Wave right

  • 1st GO = Twist in normal direction

  • 2nd GO = Wave in normal direction

  • 3rd GO = Twist in opposite direction

  • 4th GO = Wave in opposite direction


Canter Curl Over, trot Curl over, walk Curl, trot Curl Over, canter Curl Over. Every part of the move is in opposite directions. 1 GO, you must use straightness/directional timing


Halfway Curl
Curl Over in one gait, finish the Curl in the next gait in the same direction


Elite Level Defined

  • Move Qualities: Moves that require 3-5 GO commands, combinations of Intermediate + Advanced moves

  • Elite Skills: Riders demonstrate full mastery of all the Theory Dictionaries, can perform each of these moves correctly within 1-4 tries, and can continue to demonstrate professionalism and leadership. Moves will execute many theory skills at once per move


Credit: Drusi Winterbell

Firefly: 1 GO

  • Odds Curl Over + Curl + Retreat Curl (LRL)

  • Evens Curl Over + Curl + Retreat Curl (RLR)


Reverse Firefly: 1 GO

  • Odds Retreat Curl + Curl + Curl Over (LRL)

  • Evens Retreat Curl + Curl + Curl Over (RLR)


Double Firefly: using secondary numbers up to 4. 1 GO

  • 1’s and 2’s = Functioning as a 1: Firefly L

  • 3’s and 4’s = Functioning as a 2: Firefly R


Glide: Primary Numbers. 1 GO

  • Odds Firefly left

  • Evens Reverse Firefly right


Double Glide: Secondary numbers up to 2. 1 GO

  • Secondary 1: Firefly one way

  • Secondary 2: Reverse firefly the other way


Flight: secondary numbers up to 4. 1 GO

  • Secondary 1: Firefly L

  • Secondary 2: Firefly R

  • Secondary 3: Reverse Firefly L

  • Secondary 4: Reverse Firefly R



Credit: Drusi Winterbell


Leader does a Keyhole in the direction called. The rest of the line will do a Curl in the same direction, then turn to follow leader


First two riders Keyhole Wave. The rest of the line will do a regular Curl Wave, then follow their odd/even leader 

  • Sweet: Tea but in secondary numbers up to 4. 1’s follow 1s, 2’s follow 2’s etc 


Vine: secondary numbers up to 4. Minimum 4 riders required

  • Secondary 1: Double Curl L

  • Secondary 2: Fate L

  • Secondary 3: Double Curl R

  • Secondary 4: Fate R


Press: secondary numbers up to 3. Minimum 6 riders required

  • Secondary 1: Combo L

  • Secondary 2: Combo R

  • Secondary 3: Twist (you need to have multiple 3’s to get the effect of the Twist)


Double Fish Hook: secondary numbers up to 4

  • Secondary 1: Fish Hook on 1st and 2nd GOs

  • Secondary 2: Fish Hook on 3rd and 4th GOs

  • Result is like a Tier


Frame: secondary numbers up to 4

  • 1st and 2nd GO = Secondary 1’s Double Fish Hook

  • 3rd and 4th GO = Secondary 2’s Double Fish Hook

  • 5th GO: Secondary 1’s Curl Over away from leader; secondary 2’s Keyhole away from leader. Secondary 1’s turn to merge with line; new line order


Petal: Fate + extra Curl, all in opposite directions

  • Up Petal: walk, trot, canter petal. Each curl is in opposite directions

  • Down Petal: canter, trot, walk petal. Each curl is in opposite directions


Lily: a Petal Rumble. Everyone moves in the same direction

  • Odds Up Petal

  • Evens Down Petal


Lily Wave.

  • Odds Up Petal L

  • Evens Down Petal R



  • 1st GO = odds Petal, evens Fate in opposite direction

  • 2nd GO = evens Curl in opposite direction (right). Basically a Thread


Thorn: Rose in wave with secondary numbers

Primary # = the direction

Secondary # = Up or Down Petal

  • 1/1 = Up Petal in direction called

  • 2/1 = Up Petal in opposite direction called

  • 1/2 = Down Petal in direction called

  • 2/2 = Down Petal in opposite direction called



  • Regular Mel for first two GO’s (odds Comb, evens Curl Comb, then odds Curl in the same direction as the Comb)

  • 3rd GO: everyone Fates toward leader (lead Fates away from line)


Fate + Keyhole in same direction




  • Odds Star Curl Fate in the direction called (walk Curl L, canter Curl R, trot Curl L)

  • Evens Up Petal in the opposite direction


Clover: everyone moves in the same direction

  • 1st GO = Keyhole L

  • 2nd GO = Keyhole R

  • 3rd GO = Keyhole R

  • 4th GO = Keyhole L


Clover Wave. The last keyhole is like a Snap


  • 1st GO = Dodge Wave

  • 2nd GO = Comb in

  • 3rd GO = Dodge the opposite direction of the first Dodge


Each rider will make their own individual meter circle on GO


Rail Shift
From a Rein or Waterfall, all riders curve in, passing their partner from the other line left to left, finishing straight in reverse line order and reverse orientation, on the original axis of the other line. (lines curve to switch places) 


Monsoon (SSD’s Tidal): 

Secondary numbers up to 3

  • 1st GO = 1’s walk Curl in the direction called

  • 2nd GO = 2’s trot Trot the opposite direction

  • 3rd GO = 3’s Canter curl the direction called

  • Called like a Thread



Ambassador (Pink Queens Legacy)

Setup: Minimum 2 riders, 1 GO

  • Keyhole Wave

  • When tail bow is above original axis, Curl Over away from leader

  • When tail bow is above original axis, Keyhole away from leader, resulting in the rider line merging back into original line order continuing in original direction on original sand line


Bambi (Pink Queens Legacy)

Setup: Minimum 2 riders. Split, then Comb. AT THE CANTER.

  • At nose-to-nose timing, Full Revolve

  • At directional timing, riders Curl Over away from each other.

  • At directional timing, riders Keyhole away from each other.

  • At nose-to-nose timing, Curl Over towards each other, resulting in the riders moving away from each other.


  • This definition will be written for 2 riders, however you can add more "pairs", but due to the size of the move space is limited, or change gait of move to trot/walk to shrink size of move.

  • Once completed the move, the riders will end up changing orientation (ex: if started move from A and C wall, riders will finish move going towards E and B wall).


Barbie (Pink Queens Legacy)

Setup: Minimum 2 riders. Split, then Comb

  • 1st GO = riders will halt, or halt on a specified sandline

  • 2nd GO = reverse Curl Over (both riders holding A key).

  • At nose-to-nose timing, reverse Keyhole away from partner (both riders holding D key) which will cause the riders to pass each other in reverse.

  • At nose-to-nose timing, reverse L-corner in direction called to cut into Tier.

  • 3rd GO = pickup trot, now in Tier


  • Entire move is in reverse.

  • Whichever directional key is used first, the key will be switched for each move (ex: D key for curl over, A key for keyhole).

  • Both riders will use the same key except for the reverse cut into tier, depending on the direction the riders will face will depend on which key each rider uses to cut.

  • The reverse keyhole should result in the riders passing each other and the riders should not cut through each other.

  • For the reverse cut into tier, if the riders want to face the wall to their right, they will hold down their right key. If they want to face the wall to their left, they will hold down their left key, which result in the riders passing each other and the riders should not cut through each other.


Trio Thread (Pink Queens Legacy)

Setup: minimum 3 riders. Secondary numbers up to 3.

  • 1st GO = rider 1 and 2 Wave, while rider 3 continues straight

  • 2nd GO = rider 3 and 1 Wave, while rider 2 continues straight

  • 3rd GO = rider 2 and 3 Wave, while rider 1 continues straight


Salute (Sea Vikings)
A Delayed Comb. On GO, the line leader will cut, then everyone else behind them will Cut when they see the person in front of them move. Or, riders can be assigned to cut onto specific grid lines. Alignment should be approximately boot-to-boot


Swing (Terrific Tigers)
Halfway Curl Fate. Halfway Curl one direction, then Halfway Curl the other direction. This will change your axis. 


Erose (Pink Queens Legacy)

Setup: Waterfall

  • On PRE, all riders walk 

  • On GO, odds line will Walk Curl out, evens line will halt and immediately full pivot out

  • When straight, resume trotting


Bat (EH)

Base/Set up: Diamond. All riders do this move individually OR at certain markers

  • 1st GO = Slant out, Ribbon in, OR Curl Slant out

  • 2nd GO = Keyhole out

  • 3rd GO = Cut away from partner OR Ribbon in 


Machine (Metal Queens)

  • 1st GO = evens Slant Comb away from the wall, then cut back towards lead onto the Splitting line over

  • 2nd GO = odds Comb 

  • 3rd GO = evens Keyhole towards wall

  • Odds Curl Over RIGHT at centerline

  • Snap at marker timing or go timing


Zebra (EH)

  • 1st GO = Ribbon Wave

  • 2nd GO = Curl Over away from X

  • Merge in reverse line order and reverse orientation



Roof Top: everyone is doing Keyholes

  • 1st GO = Odds left, evens right

  • 2nd GO = Odds right, evens left

  • 3rd GO = Odds left, evens right (Same as 1st GO)

  • 4th GO = Odds right, evens left (Same as 2nd GO)


Twig Wave


Shield (SSD’s Crescent)
In a tight Rein or tight Tier, the outside person will canter Curl around the inside person, who will walk Curl. The cantering person needs to use a tapping curl, rather than holding their curl.


In a wide NTT Flat Left/Right, outside riders will do a tapping trot curl around inside riders; inside riders full pivot


Unwind Curls (Metal Queens)
Transition curl moves in one direction, the opposite of that transition curl in the other direction

  • Example: Unwind Bee Curl = Bee Curl left, Q Curl right



  • 1st GO = Odds halt. Evens Slant Comb right/left, away from odds. Evens should Cut back towards Evens lead and split dots

  • 2nd GO = Evens tapping Curl Over around odds (the opposite direction that they slanted

  • When evens are boot-to-boot with the odd person who was in front of them, curve back towards your spot

  • (3rd GO) = all riders resume trotting (if a GO is called, the line resumes trotting forward. Otherwise, it’s a halt move).  



Setup: Secondary numbers up to 3, minimum 3 riders

  • 1st GO = 1’s halt. 2’s Slant Comb out right and continue trotting forward straight (on the next quadrant line over). 3’s Slant Comb left and halt NTT flat with 1’s (on the next quadrant line over). 3’s leave space between the 1’s

  • 2nd GO: 2’s will tapping Curl Over towards the original line

  • 3rd GO = 1’s and 3’s Quarter Pivot right, 2’s ignore this GO. 2’s must aim for the space made by the 1’s and 3’s.

  • 4th GO = 2’s Cut left back into their spot, and 1’s and 3’s trot forward

  • The idea is that the line orientation changes, and the line moves into groups or 3. The 2’s are supposed to exit and re-enter into their spots 



  • 1st GO = Tier

  • 2nd GO = And Halt

  • 3nd GO = all riders Quarter Pivot out

  • 4rd GO = line leaders tapping keyhole AWAY from line and “Tier” back inside of the other riders. Riders will look boot to boot aligned on the commander’s screen, comb aligned on rider’s screen

  • All riders after that will do the same as the line leaders, when the horse’s nose reaches the tail of the person in front of them.

  • Move must be performed in BOS gaps, maximum. 


From a halt, the line leader trots, then cuts. On
the next GO, the first rider cuts right, and the second rider trots, then cuts. Every consecutive GO is a cut in opposite directions. 



All riders gradually reduce or increase the size of the circle on GO. Increase or decrease the tapping speed gradually


Rip Tide
Secondary numbers up to 3: ones walk left, twos trot right, threes canter left. Using intervals. For example, 1’s are on a 5 meter circle at a walk, to the left; 2’s are on a 7.5 meter circle at a trot, to the right; 3’s are on a 10 meter circle at a canter, to the left.


Odds stay in the inner circle and walks, while the evens canter Frog


Gear Shift (SSD’s Pass Cut)
Two leaders cut towards the center of the circle, then re-enter the circle going in the opposite direction as before. Lines follow


  • 1st GO = Cut towards X

  • 2nd GO = Cut the opposite direction of the first go back into a circle.



  • 1st GO = Keyhole in 

  • 2nd GO = cut back into the circle towards your lead resulting in an expanded circle.



  • 1st GO = Shrink 

  • 2nd GO  = Curl Over right

  • 3rd GO = merge back into the circle towards your lead 


Yin Yang (SSD’s Gear Shift)
Leaders will cut off the circle early to hit the 5 meter dots, pass left to left over X, hit the next 5 meter dot, then re-enter the circle going in the opposite direction as before.



Setup: expanded circle 

  • 1st GO = Keyhole out then head directly towards X

  • 2nd GO = Cut towards their lead into a smaller circle



  • 1st GO = Expand

  • 2nd GO = Curl Over right and aim towards the center

  • 3rd GO = reform circle going the same way as before



  • 1st GO = Expand

  • 2nd GO = Curl Over in the same direction that you expanded, then pass through X

  • 3rd GO = curl over in the opposite direction as 2nd GO

  • 4th GO = reform circle


Two designated lead riders will lead their half of the line through a smaller circle about half the size of the original circle, passing left to left with the other line at mid, and reform the circle in the same direction.


Several circles moving in the same direction. Use comb alignment while on a curve, each rider using the next highest gait the further away they are from the center. Riders must consider much greater comb alignment while at the canter or higher


Emerald Hunters is the first dressage club to provide a complete and comprehensive visual dictionary to SSD moves as well as our own dictionary!


Collect the official Emerald Hunters Dressage Trading Cards in the Emerald Hunters Open Server! 

  • New cards posted everyday!

  • Free to use diagrams for you and your group!

  • Diagrams created for Beginner - Elite levels!


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Website created by Rebeca Ravenbird

Site last updated: January 3, 2025

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